Saturday, June 14, 2008

Merging with Mean Ol' Mama

Thanks for visiting. Our postings will be merged with our family blog at meanolmama.blogspot. Please visit us there!!

Free Friday

Since Fridays are "free" during out summer sabbatical, Poppins and I decided to start the boys on a physical training time. We printed out the boot camp requirements for the Navy SEALS and decided to give the first week challenge a try. Let's just say that I'm glad I was the "reader" and not the "doer". It certainly was a work-out. 3 sets of 3 pull-ups each. Branch is giving it his best. We had to disconnect my porch swing because our other chin-up bar is too high for the little guys.
4 sets of 15 sit-ups and 15 push-ups. The boys have already been doing plenty of these exercises daily, so this wasn't too much of a challenge.
Here Stennes is catching his breath after a 2-mile run. It probably wasn't quite 2 miles, but we haven't measured out their track yet. Nevertheless, it was a good challenge. We're working up to try the whole 9-week challenge, but it may be too much for the boys, physically. After this workout, we took the boys to the pool where they had to swim / tread water for 15 minutes. Their swim coach (my sister) will be working with them on the side stroke next week, as that is the required stroke for the SEALS camp. We're going to try the SEAL Challenge after breakfast each morning. I think this will help burn some of that "boy" energy and get them ready to do their Basics for sabbatical (Greek, Latin, instruments) since these things require so much seat work. It's worth a try...
ChubChub watched the boys for a while, tried a few "shups" (his word for push-ups), and then went to gather the eggs from the chickens. His shirt is inside out here, but he's so happy that he dressed himself today.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday Sabbatical

We didn't do anything very exciting today. A friend came to visit for the last time (she's moving next week), we were caretakers of another girl while her mom went to a funeral with my oldest two (they played guitar in the program), we shelled peas, ate curried dhal and rice for lunch, and just enjoyed Being. Thursday is usually our day for Latin as a summary class, Poster Art, Nature Studies, Logic, and other such classes, but we scrapped the plan just to "Be" with our friend and each other. After all, isn't friendship and service to others what life is all about? And doesn't Being deserved to be capitalized? We think so, too...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday Sabbatical

We began the day with a good dusting over the windows. It's so nice to have big boys to help out. Meanwhile, two other boys plundered my stash of books that we'll be exploring soon.
The "stash": World War II studies began today, and we will read these books together for the next 3-4 weeks. Then we'll journey on to the next major happening in chronological history .
Here the boys are practising for a funeral in which they've been asked to play (tomorrow). It was truly a tragic death. We talked all day on the importance of being in a right relationship with God at all times.
Stennes had to replace one of the strings on my guitar. As I noted earlier, it sure is nice to have big boys around.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday Sabbatical

Anders wished to practice cooking during his Scholar time, so he volunteered to help The Girl and ChubChub make pizzas out of bits of homemade bread that needed a place to "rest". He's a patient instructor, even though ChubChub took off and ate as much cheese as he put on the pizzas.
Josiah practiced his piano diligently even though ChubChub was "fishing" on the piano with the pole he won Saturday at a fishing competition. The kids follow a checklist for all of their instruments. "Sabbatical" piano requires only 5 minutes technique, 15 minutes lesson pieces, and 5 minutes review. The timer remains on the piano (mostly), and the kids check off the day on their checklist as they complete their practice. Anders is doing a read-through of a speech he needs to memorize. We have Patriotic Performance coming up, so we really need to get on the ball. We do 4 major performances each year, besides "normal" singing (many days a week out preaching, and monthly in nursing homes, senior centers, etc). These performances require a good deal of memory work by the kids and music practice to learn the songs and instrument pieces.
Branch is learning to read in English. We're using a good method, "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons". We go through about 10-30 lessons a day because he know hows how to read in Spanish; he just needs to learn the English sounds. Branch is very eager to read in English because he has a huge Reader Box full of good books waiting on him. There are Spanish books as well, but he wants to read the "...whole box, Mommy..."
And where is Stennes? On the front porch screwing on a new plant hanger to one of the posts. He's my Handy Man around the house. Poppins and I have given a Job Description to each child. Stennes is my Right Hand Man. Josiah is my Helper. Anders is my Encourager and Giver. Branch is my Hugger. The Girl is...well, she's My Girl (need I say more?), and ChubChub is my Promise.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

No pictures, just thoughts...

Yesterday the boys had a visitor while Poppins and I were on a date. When I returned, the 3 Mexican men were still here. The boys whispered to me that they were frustrated because they couldn't communicate well. What??? All these years of speaking only Spanish, and they couldn't communicate??? What was the problem, guys? "Oh, we didn't know the word for 'nut' ..."
I think I can live with that. All in all, I was pleased with the boys, and the visitors were impressed, as well. I need to give thought as to how they should practice more with others to accommodate different patterns of speech and accents. Hmm...I'm off to think ...

Friday, June 6, 2008

What do boys do during Sabbatical?

For Sabbatical this summer, we are focusing on the 5 B's.
1: Band - They must practice their band instrument, piano, and guitar for 30 minutes each, daily.
2: Benevolence - We are striving to bless others this summer, through baked goods, letters, chores done "mysteriously", and as God leads.
3: Basics - They must complete 1 hour of Greek and 1 hour of Latin each morning in addition to their instrument practice.
4: Being - Enjoying a slower pace and exploring Scholar Projects.
5: Boyhood - See the above pictures. This is what our boys do during their free time. Free time , you say? Yep. Fridays are OFF except for Shop Clean and Swimming. Yippee!!
Just watch out for flying arrows...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"As hard as possible..."

Monday afternoon was the boys' first class in Music Performance. They have an instructor for
1 1/2 hours, and this first instruction was a "wow-zer"...we're talking about Music Theory (fifths, diminished chords, bar chords, circle of fifths, etc.). It was quite a challenge.
The Girl and Branch sat in on the class. She decided to cross-stitch, and he listened for a while. Eventually, they both fell asleep in the back. They perform with the boys, so we decided to have them sit in on the class.

After the class, the boys' mental capacities had been challenged, to say the least. Why do we parents do this to them? If you ask any of the boys what Mean Ol' Mama's goal is, they will answer quickly and honestly, "To make our lives as hard as possible." The Bible says that it's good for a young man to bear the yoke in his youth, and so far our classes haven't killed any of them nor snuffed out their exuberance, so we figure we're on the right path: tempering their steel and polishing their swords before they head out into battle. Yep, " hard as possible..."

Monday, June 2, 2008

One last photo...

Here is my resource shelf of teacher's manuals, Spanish resources, countless poetry books, dictionaries, and other such books. The items on the top were carved by Stennes. I know it's an odd place to store them, but where else does one store a steamboat and alligator? Hmmm...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Science and Nature Studies

This is my collection of science/nature-related books. Each child reads his grade level Science and/or Health book in order to assure that he receives what he should in that grade. These books are simply read whenever he has time, but we don't consider this "Science". The kids receive classes every Friday (Thursdays for June/July/August Sabbatical) in Nature Studies. My sister Teresa and I swap classes: I direct Greek, Latin, & Performances, while she teaches Drawing, Nature Studies, and "neat" things such as field trips (FABULOUS ONES!!!), First Aid, Sketching, etc. I think I get the better end of the deal, personally. The boys also compete every year in Ornithology, Forestry Judging, and Wildlife Management. They know so many things that even I am impressed (and that's pretty amazing, if you know how "unimpressed" I can be...). They will be competing in a Science Fair this September, as well. They all really enjoy different areas of Science. We have a slew of hands-on materials for them to mess around with, and books, books, books about probably every science topic that could possibly interest them. We also encourage gardening, animal maintenance, machinery knowledge, and general skills that they learn in Shop with Pop, such as welding, woodworking, blacksmithing, and other oddities.